Pathfinders that died in training or by accident
PFC Bobby Rodriguez 11th Pathfinder Company 11th Air Assault Division (Test) Died October 1964 during training while trying to mark power lines. Electrocuted.
PFC Larry D. Price 11th Pathfinder Company 11th Air Assault Division (Test) Died 18 May, 1965 Parachute training accident. Drowned.
1LT Harry Leroy Alway 9th Avn Bn 9th Inf Div Pfdr Died in a traffic accident (hit by vehicle)13 Jul 1967. He was serving in Vietnam during his death. His awards include The Combat Infantry Badge, The Purple Heart, The Pathfinder Torch, The Airborne badge.
SGT Richard E. Whorff 11th CAB 1st Avn Bde Pfdr Accident 21 June 1969. He was home on leave from Vietnam when he was killed in Maine.
CPL James Curtis Hensley 22 Sept 1969 11th Pathfinder Company, 1st Cav Div. Died while on a parachute training jump by drowning at Binh Long Province. Silver Star, Bronze Star 3(2 with Valor), Air Medal, ARCOM, CIB, airborne and Pathfinder torch.
CPT Eric G. Herold 12 Nov 1971 Former 14th CAB, 23rd ID Pathfinder. Died on a 2nd tour as a pilot at Vinh Long Airfield. Air Medal(4)
CPL Bruce David Wagner 4th Aviation Bn Pfdr Det 4th Inf Div. Died 14 Aug, 1970 when he dove into a shallow stream in Binh Dinh Province Vietnam. Fractured spine.
PFC Albert Ray Hankins 14th CAB 23rd Inf Div Pfdr. Accident 8 May 1971. He was serving in Vietnam when he was killed in an explosive device accident.
2LT William Groce 101st Pathfinders Helicopter Crash during training Fort Campbell, KY 25 April 1972
SFC Mifflin Tichenor Jr. 101st Pathfinders Helicopter Crash during training Fort Campbell, KY 25 April 1972. He had previously served in Vietnam.
SSG William "Bill" Kohr 28th Avn Bn 28th Inf Div Pfdr Det PA Army National Guard. Died February 1979 in an automobile accident during drill weekend. He was also a 101st Pfdr at Firebase Ripcord in Vietnam where he received the Silver Star for his actions during the siege. His exploits are told in the book, "Ripcord" by Keith Nolan. Other awards include the Combat Infantry Badge. He was Airborne and Pathfinder qualified.
Michael P. Mertes C Co 509th Pfdr, 1st Avn Bde Drowned during a Parachute Training accident Fort Rucker, AL 1984. His awards include The Airborne badge.
SGT Charles E. Payton 101st Pathfinder Company Ft Campbell, KY. Died 17 March, 1984. Crushed by M151A2 vehicle.
CPT Scott David Strailey 12th Aviation Group Pathfinder Platoon at Wiesbaden Germany. Died 14 July 1985. Died in a parachute training accident. Landed in a body of water and drowned. He was airborne and Pathfinder qualified.
SGT Timothy McClain Harris 12th Aviation Group Pathfinder Platoon. Died 3 July, 1986 after having recently transferred to 8th ID HQ. Former member of C Co 509th Pathfinder. Crushed by the ramp of an M-113.
2LT Brendan Shawn Paxton 2-17 Air Cav 101st Pfdr Parachute Training jump 1989
SGT Robert G. Millward 6-101st Avn 101st Pfdr Helicopter crash during training 22 April 1999
SGT Julius Raymond Wilkes Jr 6-101st Avn 101st Pfdr Helicopter crash during training 22 April 1999
SPC Fury J. Rice 6-101st Avn 101st Pfdr Helicopter crash during training 22 April 1999. His awards include The Army Achievement Medal, The Good Conduct Medal, The Airborne and Air Assault badges.
CPL James R. Murphy Jr. 6-101st Avn 101st Pfdr Helicopter crash during training 22 April 1999
SFC Edgar H. Payne Former C Co 509th Pfdr. Died 20 March, 2000 in an automobile accident. His awards include the Ranger tab, airborne badge, air assault badge, Pathfinder torch.
1SG Ty Alan Sariego C Co 509th Pfdr, 17th Avn Pathfinder, 101st Pathfinders Desert Storm. Died in off duty motorcycle accident 18 April, 2004 while serving as a First Sergeant at Airborne School. His awards include The Combat Infantry Badge, the Master Parachutist Badge, the Air Assault Badge and Pathfinder Torch.
SGT Myles David Penix Fox Co 2-82nd Avn 82nd Airborne Pathfinders Died 21 March 2016 in an off duty shooting. He was a Veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. He had previously served with the US Navy.
MSG Corey K. Hood Died 16 August 2015 while performing as a member of the Golden Knights Parachute Demonstration Team at the 2015 Chicago Air & Water Show in Chicago, Illinois. He was a SFC but posthumously promoted to MSG since he was on the promotion list. He had served as a Forward Observer, Team Chief, Platoon Sergeant, Airborne Instructor and had served 5 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. His awards: Combat Action Badge, Master Parachute Badge, Pathfinder Torch, Air Assault Badge, Bronze Star Medal(2), Army Commendation Medal(5), Army Achievement Medal(5), National Defense Service Medal, GWOT Medal.
Major Robert P Mallory: Killed in 1993 in a MH-6 helicopter crash.

Photo credit Alway family

Courtesy Robert Mohs

Photo Credit F Co 2-82nd Pfdr

Photo credit Leo York

Photo credit Stone Finders

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Photo Credit C Greer

Photo credit D & j Altman

Photo credit Edward Tyler

Photo credit James Mason

Photo credit Joseph St Cloud Irwin

Photo Credit Benjamin Merrill

Died in parachute training accident. photo credit J.R. Janicek

Died in helicopter training crash. photo credit Jeffrey Tichenor

Photo credit Jeffrey Tichenor

Photo credit Danny Ard

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Fox Co 2-82nd Avn 82nd Airborne Pathfinders. Died at Kandahar Afghanistan

Photo credit Candie Rogers

Photo credit Hensley family

Photo credit Rhonda Willard

Photo Credit Dale Sandage

Photo credit J Rusinko

Photo Credit Dale Sandage

Photo credit Stephen Schifani

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Photo credit findagrave