About Us

Currently a military veteran association of U.S. and non U.S. military personnel who are Pathfinder qualified or served in a Pathfinder unit.
To preserve in patriotic reverence the memory of the fame and glory of the Pathfinder; to provide for the gathering of information on Pathfinder units, hold reunions and gatherings for all Pathfinders, to assist active, retired, and family members of deceased and disabled Pathfinders. To promote and support the continued deployment and organization of Pathfinder units in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Constitution and By laws
In 2007 a reunion of Army Pathfinders was held near Ft Campbell, Kentucky and the idea was floated by a number of individuals of having our own organization. Pathfinders have ben largely overlooked by larger organizations so it was felt we needed to keep our history and legacy alive in some form. A number of Pathfinders had various ideas of an organization and it was decided to hold a gathering in 2009 to form one.
Two years later at the 2009 Pathfinder “Charter” Reunion, this expanded working group, presented a rough draft constitution and bi-laws which were conditionally approved by all pathfinders present. The attendees also voted in a Slate of Officers and Board of Governors with the mission to obtain a legal Charter for a non-profit National Pathfinder Association (NPA.)
Our first non-unit affiliated, National Pathfinder Association, “First In” Reunion was held in Las Vegas July 2011. The NPA is a chartered non-profit organization which supports active duty and retired veteran Pathfinders from WWII forward in our American military history. The two primary missions of Pathfinders are combat air control and downed aircraft recovery. They are the first to be deployed in a battlefield and operate in small two and three man teams to provide vital information to aircraft pilots and ground forces waiting to be put into action (First In-Last Out.)
The main focus of our Association is to provide support to our combat veterans and their families by making sure they are informed of the chronic disabilities and diseases that often make them vulnerable to social and medical disaster after they return home. We help link them to the very best resources available More than 70% of our older Vietnam Pathfinders have various diseases from exposure to Agent Orange. Many have died from cancer or are currently in treatment without hope of recovery. The worst of the PTSD symptoms are seen in our veterans of WWII. Though our veterans from the 1940’s are quickly disappearing, their advanced age makes them even more vulnerable to their torment caused by memories of horrific combat. Our youngest soldiers returning from multiple tours in the Middle East are finding it difficult to fit back into their families that have learned to live without them. The stress on our young troopers and their families is unrelenting. The membership of the National Pathfinder Association is working hard to address the myriad complexities facing our Special Operations veterans who have been asked to do extraordinary feats of military service. (See our Home Page and click on Distaff for more information.)
Our NPA members’ attendance at our well thought out and well organized events is where the real benefit to our young soldiers and veterans occurs. They meet with past comrades in arms and begin their difficult healing process. They and their family members listen to our presenters about US combat history and their Special Operations legacy and at what cost. They find out they are not alone in their emotional conflict and begin to open up to their fellow comrades in arms.
Too many of our active duty and retired military families are well acquainted with anger and alcohol abuse. Many of our veteran Pathfinders have psychological and physical problems that have gone untreated and buried in guilt. Diseases associated with exposure to Agent Orange and emotional problems related to PTSD and horrific physical trauma can be successfully treated. Our goal is to link our country’s warriors to the professional services they deserve. But frankly, it is the renewed comradeship within our membership that makes the greatest impact.
Our NPA leadership and professional website with Flikr and Facebook provide a means for all Pathfinders past, present, and future to stay connected to their families and their Pathfinder brotherhood. In times of crisis, our volunteer ambassadors provide on-site support to our NPA family members. Our Association representatives attend Pathfinder School graduations as guest speakers and to award our revered Torch to honor graduates. Our Historian liaisons with Military Museum staff to assist with the presentation of our Pathfinder legacy. If you haven’t joined the Nation Pathfinder Association, you will find instructions on the Registration tab. William
The cohesiveness and determination of the National Pathfinder Association to aid our country’s warriors is steeped in close comradeship and we will continue to take care of our own. But, we could use some help and we would be proud to add any of America’s patriotic corporate institutions to our Home page as a donor or sponsor.
Charter Members
William Anton 101st Pfdr Vietnam
Don Hershberger 11th Pfdr Co 1st Cav Vietnam
Reed Pelfrey 502nd PIR 101st Pfdr WWII
Sir Robert James Fogarty II 101st Pfdr, 27th Pfdr
Donald Mansell Pathfinder graduate
David McKee C Co 509th PIR 1st Avn Bde Pfdr
Jimmy Howton 101st Pfdr Vietnam
Raymond Dunn 101st Pathfinder
John Crowden 11th Airborne Div Pfdr Korea
William Schmutz Pathfinder graduate
Henry Fellerman 101st Pfdr Vietnam
Kenneth Maynard 268th CAB, 1st Avn Bde Pfdr Vietnam
Nicholas Posatiere F Co 5-101 101st Pfdr Afghanistan
John Norton Jr. 101st Pfdr Vietnam
Dean Nelson 101st Pfdr Vietnam
Alfred Tello F Co 5-101 101st Pfdr Afghanistan
Shawn Jones NCOIC Pfdr School
James Leonard 101st Pfdr Vietnam
Larry Kotoff 101st Pfdr Vietnam
Patrick Dougherty 101st Pfdr Vietnam
Carl Lagle 101st Pfdr Vietnam
Danny Rozier 101st Pfdr Vietnam
William Blankenburg 119th Avn Pfdr